Account Setup & Console
The NativeWaves Console is currently under development and will become available as preview version later this year. Please contact us if you are interested in a walkthrough and want to get early access.
To begin using NativeWaves EXP, our goal is to establish a simple event and test it out in the NativeWaves showcase app. The NativeWaves Console provides a convenient method for accomplishing this.
When you access the NativeWaves Console, you will be asked to log in using your NativeWaves account details.

If you are a new user you can simply create a new account or login with an existing supported identity provider.
NativeWaves has a user account system that is independent of the resource creation process. Resources are organized and hosted within organizations and environments. Organizations serve as organizational units to manage members, teams and related settings while environments are the containers of resources in different contexts. These concepts are explained in the sections below.
A user account is always associated with you individually and is not governed by any organization. You have the option to be a member of multiple organizations, either by creating them yourself or receiving invitations to join existing ones.
Organizations serve as the fundamental level of access management, with all resources belonging to a particular organization. The NativeWaves Cloud Platform documentation provides further details on additional levels of access management.
Billing information and resource usage are calculated based on the organization as a whole, rather than on an individual user basis. The user who initially creates an organization assumes the role of the organization owner. As the owner, they possess the most extensive privileges, including the ability to delete the organization. Once the organization is created, it is possible to add other members to the organization.
Therefore, prior to creating EXP events, it is necessary to either establish your own organization or to join an existing organization. Within that organization, you can then set up an environment.
Environments serve as the primary means of managing resources in different contexts that are independent of organization management, such as teams, members, and related organization settings.
The main purpose of environments is to group resources and provide a convenient approach to configuring environments for different contexts, such as a production environment and test or development environments tailored to your specific infrastructure needs.
Prior to creating an EXP event, it is necessary to establish an environment within the organization where you intend to work. To enable environment creation, your organization must be active, which can be accomplished by providing billing information and activating it accordingly.
As the console is currently undergoing development, organization activation needs to be performed by a NativeWaves administrator and cannot be done on your own.