iOS SDK (Core)

Getting Started


The SDK provides the NwCore singleton class through which you can access all of the SDKs functionalities.

Your app needs the `Privacy - Microphone Usage Description` in the Info.plist for recording audio, if second screen sync should be available.

Initialize SDK

To use the SDK in a class, import the following:


The first step to initialize the SDK is to call the NwCore singleton.


Start Watching Experience

There are three core plugins that handle playback, sync, and any feature enabled in the overlay. They are as follows:


SyncService (optional)

The sync service handles all sync-related tasks. It's an optional plugin that relies on a SMDS endpoint, a channel group and a library. If omitted, no sync functionality will be available in the experience.



The ExperiencePlaybackService is the engine that handles all playback-experience related features. The sync service is an optional injection to the experience playback service.



You can call a new view controller for the given experience with above injected options. It takes a guiOverlayUrl as property to load the respective GUI. See Guides & Tutorials on how to use a custom gui overlay.


Presenting the view controller on top of the current view stack will open the experience and start the playback.

Depending on your configuration, an event-specific experience or the default experience will be loaded and the second screen sync option will be available, or not. For more information about the different options, please check the Guides & Tutorials chapter.