Content Stores & Distribution
The content service within NativeWaves comprises a content storage system and a highly scalable, low-latency, HTTP-based distribution infrastructure. The content service can also seamlessly interact with custom CDN providers by leveraging the Origin Service. Additionally, the content service analyzes all content automatically to provide easily accessible media metadata and timing information, such as content start and duration including a precise live edge and end detection. This metadata is made available for other services to leverage. This comprehensive functionality is offered as a managed service referred to as managed content store.
Moreover, the content service is capable of handling public external content or external content in closed environments by deploying a specialized content analyzer application which is then referenced as external content store.
Within custom projects, there is the flexibility to set up a managed content store on your own infrastructure. In this scenario, all relevant NativeWaves applications need to be deployed (available as Docker containers) and the content is managed using a different store Id within the NativeWaves content service. This allows for a tailored deployment of the managed content store, giving you control over the infrastructure while still benefiting from the content management capabilities provided by the NativeWaves content service.